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There is no Christian ethics

One of my favourite authors is the Swedish Pentecostal pastor Peter Halldorf. In his books, I have found much to strengthen and revive my faith. He has a historical point of view (not too common, I think, in Pentecostals), which I find refreshing and informative. His idea is to help is readers rediscover the common roots of Christianity, i.e. the early Church and the Church Fathers.

In his book ”Jungfrumark” (approx. ”Virgin Soil”, 3rd ed. 1996), Halldorf writes about the concept ”Christian Ethics” with the thesis that there is no such thing, just as there is no Christian politics, no Christian music etc. This might sound confusing and surprising, but bear with me. In the following I expound on Halldorf.

There is no Christian ethics, politics, or music – only a Christian life. And that life is born when a person meets Christ. It grows and is renewed through the mystery of faith. Its undercurrent is mercy.

And all the commandments that the Bible contains are not what is specifically Christian. The commandments are not good because God has given them to us – God has given them to us because they are good. They are not the basis of Christianity, but the fruit of humanity. ”Treat others as you would like to be treated” is a universal wisdom that existed before Jesus, and which he repeats in the Gospels not because it is Christian, but because it is valid, no matter where, no matter when.

Christianity is not about ethics, but about relationships. ”Love God more than anything, and your neighbour as yourself.” To this, every commandment or ethical maxim must be compared. Does avoiding murder or adultery fit in? I think so. Does avoiding pork or shellfish fit in? That would be irrelevant, I think.

There is one valid set of ethics – the one where we treat others the way we’d like to be treated. Its validity stands, regardless of our faith in God or its absence.

And to confuse faith with ethics leads to moralism, phariseeism and many other tragedies.

1 kommentti


29.4.2006 17:50

"The commandments are not good because God has given them to us – God has given them to us because they are good." Aamen!

Minun logiikkani mukaan sika pitäisi jättää syömättä, koska ajattelen tulevien sukupolvien hyvinvointia. Mutta ymmärsin kyllä pointin... ;)