• Kalle af

Midnight Prayer

Save me, O God, from the temptation to be less than fully human, less than the child of God You created me to be.

Save me, O God, from the temptation to view my sexuality as a curse, rather than as a precious Gift with which You have blessed me.

Save me, O God, from those who seek to heal what does not need healing, who seek to further wound me by making me think I am a mistake, rather than made in Your image.

Save me, O God, from easy and simplistic theology, which seems to offer security but really offers shackles and blinds the soul from knowing You in all Your complexity, beauty, and wonder.

Save me, O God, from everything and everyone that would distract me or dissuade me from living into Your calling on my life.


- Darrell Grizzle
as quoted on A Christian voice for LGBT rights