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Update: Sandell, Phelps, Haggard

Last summer, pastor Halvar Sandell showed a video of an authentic abortion to his confirmation class. In September, bishop Gustav Björkstrand gave him a warning for this unsuitable action, and criminal charges were subsequently filed against Sandell.
Now, the district attorney in charge of the investigation has dropped the case. Since the video is available on the Internet, it is available to all, until the motion pictures board has given it a rating. It has not done so in this case; that the video would be restricted for viewers under the age of 18 if the board were asked for a rating is immaterial.
Consequently, Sandell has committed no crime. The bishop's warning stands, however.


The sectarian leader Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church from Topeka, Kansas are renowned for their hatred of homosexuals and for the demonstrations they arrange at the oddest places. On November 10, 2008, they picketed the Swedish embassy in Washington, D.C. The excuse was, of course, that Sweden does not actively discriminate against gays.
The Swedish bloggers that I've seen commenting on this have been amused or annoyed or something in between - except one that agreed with the WBC so wholeheartedly, that he must have been ironic...


The former pastor Ted Haggard, who was caught doing men and drugs two years ago, entered three weeks of reparative therapy and claimed to have been cured of his homosexual leanings. Very efficient therapy, apparently. He now works as an insurance salesman, but is back in Colorado Springs. In November, he preached a sermon in a church in Illinois, so the pulpit still has its lure, apparently.
Haggard has claimed that he was sexually abused at the age of seven. This is terrible (if true), but doesn't really have too much bearing on his homosexual behaviour.


Sources and links: http://korta.nu/844a