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Vicar changes sex - and jobs

In the region of Savonia in eastern Finland, a vicar in his fifties has announced that he always has felt that he is a woman, and that he consequently is going to undergo sex-change treatments. The vicar of Imatra, Olli Aalto (54), gave an anonymous interview to the newspapers Itä-Savo and Länsi-Savo (the names mean "eastern" and "western Savonia" respectively), and it was published on Sunday, November 9, 2008 (but I haven't been able to find it on the Internet).

Aalto's occupation wasn't mentioned in the original interview. As the tabloids always seem to find ecclesiastical sex lives very titillating, the tabloid Iltalehti was only too happy to announce it the following day. Aalto's name became public the day after, when the local paper Uutisvuoksi published it.

Salailu ja kaksoiselämä ovat olleet elämäni raskaimpia ja surullisimpia asioita. [...] Nyt viimein uskallan antaa luvan naiseudelle, joka on ollut minussa aina.
("Secrecy and living a double life have been the hardest and saddest things of my life. At last, I dare permit me the femininity, that always has been in me.")

As most courageous decisions, this one, too, will have repercussions. The bishop of the local diocese of Mikkeli, Voitto Huotari, says that although no laws are broken, a parish priest (let alone a vicar) changing his or her sex would be so confusing to the parishioners that it would get in the way of the real message. This is, I suppose sadly, a realistic assessment. Bishop Huotari draws the conclusion, that Aalto would have to change jobs. Aalto herself doesn't quite agree. Nor do I, although I understand the argument. Even if Aalto makes people confused and forces them (by her very existence) to confront their own prejudices, that is not grounds for dismissal - neither legally (to which all agree) nor in practice!

The bishop admits to finding the situation confusing. He is, however, retiring next February, so in the long run it will be his successor's, Seppo Häkkinen's, problem. But if Aalto had belonged to the diocese of Porvoo, as I do, the problems would have been smaller. Our bishop, Gustav Björkstrand, says in an interview:

[...] Björkstrand [...] håller med om att ett könsbyte inte inverkar på arbetsförmågan.
– Frågan är hur församlingen reagerar. Det är viktigt att församlingen har förtroende för kyrkoherden för att den skall kunna fungera.
("Björkstrand agrees that a sex-change doesn't affect a person's capacity to work.
- The question is how the parish reacts. In order for the parish to work, it is important that it has confidence in its vicar.")

Aalto will change her name from Olli to Marja-Sisko. There is a support group for her on Facebook.
