• Kalle af

The bravest

One day during WWII the leaders of various axis nations met and debated who had the bravest soldiers.

Mussolini from Italy said: "Oh wait and see!" He climbed to fifth floor of a tall building and ordered his bodyguard to jump down. The bodyguard said: "Si, duce!", jumped and broke a leg.

Hitler from Germany said: "Oh wait and see!" He climbed to the tenth floor and ordered his bodyguard to jump down. The bodyguard said: "Jawohl, mein Führer!", jumped and was killed.

Mannerheim from Finland said: "Oh wait and see!" He climbed down to the second floor and ordered his bodyguard to jump down. The bodyguard spat, looked at the spit falling and said: "Jump yourself, you old fart!"
So Mannerheim won.


Source: Seri's Lair