• Kalle af

Stop the beatings in Zimbabwe

Avaaz.org sent the following message:

"In the last few days, Zimbabwe has plunged further into crisis, with key democratic activists beaten by their government. Click below to sign the petition calling for stronger, targeted sanctions on Zimbabwe's leaders:


On Sunday, while boarding a plane to an international meeting, Zimbabwe's democratic opposition spokesman was beaten so severely that he lost an eye. Last week, opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was arrested and beaten for attending a protest prayer vigil. Other democratic activists in Zimbabwe are under a terrible threat, with many still held in prison.

We can't let this moment of international attention pass without pressing for effective action. We intend to deliver our petition by the end of the week. If Europe and neighbouring South Africa (Zimbabwe's largest trading partners) threaten tougher sanctions, Mugabe will be forced to stop his attacks. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Peace Prize winner from South Africa, is already calling on his country and others to take action. Click below to join him in calling for a response:


Targeted sanctions (like freezing President Mugabe's assets in foreign banks) will not hurt ordinary Zimbabweans, and quick action now could prevent a catastrophe. And beyond this critical moment, standing in solidarity with the pro-democracy and human rights activists around the world is a first step towards creating the kind of world we want to live in.

Zimbabwe is dangerously far along the road to tyranny and state collapse. It is time to draw the line."

I've signed the petition. Please do the same!

2 kommenttia


21.3.2007 00:12

I've signed it also. Thank you for informing!


21.3.2007 02:12

Yes he is another Idi Amin. Freezing ALL his personal assets is a good tried and true way for starters.