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Samkönade par är goda föräldrar

En amerikansk långtidsstudie av barn till lesbiska par visar att de inte har tagit skada av sina föräldrars sexuella läggning. Detta bekräftar många andra undersökningar, skriver PinkNews 19.12.08.

Däremot kan det uppkomma svårigheter genom diskriminering och homofobi. Dock är detta ju inte ett argument för att begränsa samkönade pars möjligheter att få barn - vilket skulle öka diskrimineringen - utan för att på alla sätt sträva efter att motverka intoleransen i samhället!

* The NLLFS [The USA National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study] confirms the findings of over 40 other studies on the children of lesbian and gay parents, and supports the positions of all major professional associations on the well-being of children growing up in lesbian and gay families.

* The NLLFS finds that although the parents’ sexual orientation doesn’t harm children, discrimination does; the researchers report that the adverse effects of discrimination were significantly reduced when the parents, schools and communities encouraged an appreciation of diversity.

* "The findings of our research conclude that children raised in lesbian parent households are healthy, happy, and high-functioning," said Dr. Nanette Gartrell.

* "The parents created healthy, loving and safe environments where their children were able to grow and thrive. Even the negative effects of homophobia were largely mitigated when their parents were active participants in the lesbian community and when the children attended schools that taught an appreciation of diversity." *
