For me, Obama feels more right a choice because:
- He's been living here and there
- He has connections here and there
- For me it's a win of good over evil, amen, almost every time when democrats beat republicans
(although their colour is blue versus red...)
- He's also a willing leader of gay-lesbian-this-and-that -communities (or at least nods
towards them, er, I mean: us) unlike the gang around McCain.
In all, of course, time will tell.
As far as I know, there are very few saints in this world, and anyway:
me no believer.
But I hope for better, whatever that better could occasionally be.
Could it be a bit more peace and at least some re-arranging of the coming
environmental disaster?
Sounds good enough for me.
- - -
Addendum by demand:
a stronger standpoint to be said publicly about a part of McCain's gang that has lost,
and hopefully for good:
My idea behind the "R.I.P." -part that I wrote above includes
an indeed warm greetings to Mrs Palin:
Hey, bitch, The Hammer of God has spoken, now fade out
to where ever you came from and never ever come back.
With regards,
-Homorocker & G O D
- - -
3 kommenttia
5.11.2008 18:40
No mutta Rh, älä nyt viitsi olla noin vaisu! Mä nieleskelin ilon kyyneleitä aamulla tv:n ääressä. Vaikka tulos olikin odotettu.
5.11.2008 19:05
I hope for better, too.
5.11.2008 22:41
Ilon kyyneleissä olen varovainen...
Mutta ok, siirsin kommentin editoituna tuonne blogiin.
Rokkihomoa kun kiinnostaa tässä kohtaa huomattavastikin tuon hirviön,
siis rouva Palinin,
häviäminen pois keskeisestä julkisuudesta.