A short note to be shared:
This is just as sad month as the previous one.
Something indeed is squeezing my skull
(yet not news I guess),
and not by prescription.
Having been buying flowers the last few days.
I did realise the flowers I've been collecting seem to be referring to
a whole variety of:
dead and missing people,
those once close to me
- but not anymore.
So, it's going to be an on-going funeral in my home yard this summer.
So be it. Violets etc are the nicest ones anyway.
And red wine, brandy and sparkling allowed (oh well, beer too).
Friends welcome.
Going to be quite alone this summer, eh?
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5 kommenttia
18.5.2009 17:29
loppuelämä aikaa olla unohtamatta. niin.
yksinolon välttääkseen voi tulla helsinkiin. tosin varmaan tulen minäkin viettämään aimo tovin turussa päin isän seurana.
18.5.2009 18:48
Ja ne "siniset" kukki jo.
19.5.2009 00:21
Why are you going to be alone this summer? Eh? maybe if I make it toTurku this summer would be nice to rap over suds.
20.5.2009 05:58
cause of the supposed ongoing funerals in my home yard, eh?
20.5.2009 11:23
Kauniilta kuulostavat kukkaistutukset.