Can you believe it; I actually have T W O jobs to choose from. Wau! The other I already accepted, the pay is better but doesn't quite cross the income limit set by the damn Social Insurance Institution. Why do they have to meddle with the amount of money students make during those summer months when most of us are *not* getting any kind monetary support from them?
Anyway, I'm still thinking of the cleaning company where I had a job interview today. I only had to fill in this basic questionnaire with personal information etc. and as I handed it back they said they had already decided to offer me a place. That was very unusual! Furthermore, they said they would call me tomorrow to let me know what kind of job they've thought of giving me. Now I'm wondering whether to risk burnout by having two jobs; the other for week days, the other for weekends. Maybe I should just thank them politely for the unusual attitude they showed towards me by being ready to offer me a job just like that, but that I have had another job offer that fits my life situation better, and that maybe they would be willing to bear me in mind next summer when my employment becomes again more topical. Yes, that sounds good.
I can't believe I actually get to choose between two jobs and that neither of those has absolutely *nothing* to do with telemarketing!
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I had a drink with Wanderer today. I can’t but return to what I said last Friday after the coffee with M; nothing is nicer than to have a nice, seemingly simple chat gradually becoming a profound discussion with someone whose company I enjoy. Wanderer said something I don’t quite agree with; she perceives my attitude towards life as weary. But really, I think I am actually really, truly, bluely pretty positive if not, fact forbid, downright optimistic.
Afterwards I went for a long walk; I realised I haven’t really done that in quite a while. And so I set forth a journey by the sea along a path I hadn’t used before, passing the school whose location had always been slightly vague to me as well as the court house –or court castle more like, as it seems to me. I also encountered someone I hadn’t seen for almost two years. When I saw him cycling at me I recognised him (we used to work in the same place) but didn’t expect him to remember me. The smirk spreading across his face proved me wrong. He actually nicknamed me as Tellu during those three months. The mystery remains why, since it doesn’t exactly resemble my given name; maybe he thought I’m like the namesake in Peanuts. I am willing to admit the presence of certain similar personality traits.
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I wasn’t very mean today; I found three CDs on sale; ‘Are you dead yet?’ by Children of Bodom, ‘Silence’ by Sonata Arctica (I’ve been looking for this for ages; thank the gods for happenstance!) and ‘Fatal design’ by Entwine. Currently I’m listening to the latter; I think I’m in love with ‘Chameleon Halo’.
"All lies entwined around your soul
In your chameleon halo
It's all in your head but it's not your role
You've got to get away from the dark
You are the rising thunder
Deep inside you hold a violent scene
You are hate's creation
But what you really are it depends on you"
Once I got home from the walk I had to acknowledge the fact that my CD tower just ran out of space. Now I have to start either taking some of them away or to improvise another place for all of them. Well, my roommate just moved out so I guess I could take that bookcase from her former room, and put it in better use. I just have to re-arrange my room to have enough space for it. The couch is the perfect place to read during the days but sometimes I feel it’s a bit on my way.
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The Meme of the Day:
See if you qualify as a real citizen according to the scientific and infallible, which describes my inner citizen thus:
"Tieteellinen 39%
Kansalaiset osaavat ratkaista ongelmat, kunhan käytettävissä on tarpeeksi tutkittua ja luotettavaa tietoa. Vaikeuksia ei tuota tiedon puuttuminen, vaan sen runsaus. Tiedon määrä on kasvanut niin suureksi ja tietoa tarjotaan enemmän kuin kukaan ehtii sitä vastaanottamaan. Siksi kunnon kansalainen ottaakin selvää, mistä tieto on peräisin ja mikä on sen tarkoitus.
Sosiaalinen 33%
Tämän päivän yhteisöllisyys perustuu ihmisten henkilökohtaisiin valintoihin. Kansalaiset ovat viime kädessä itse vastuussa omista valinnoistaan. Siksi kunnon kansalaisen tulee pyrkiä ajattelemaan ja toimimaan mahdollisimman itsenäisesti. Mahdollisuus valita tarkoittaa myös suurempaa vastuuta ja toisten huomioon ottamista omassa toiminnassaan.
Poliittinen 28%
Yhteisistä asioista päättäminen on kansalaisen oikeus ja velvollisuus. Vaikeatkin ristiriidat on tuotava julkiseen keskusteluun. Kunnon kansalaisena olet huolissasi siitä, että päätöksenteko on keskittymässä tavallisen ihmisen ulottumattomiin talouselämän ja poliittisen eliitin käsiin. Tästä huolimatta uskot siihen, että kansalaisaktivismi ei ole menettänyt merkitystä."
