What a weather! The winds resemble those of the circle number two of Dante's Inferno in their fierceness, and then it starts raining like never before. By the time I got back home from my educational field trip (the show really was great; I actually ran out of time!) to a local museum I was thoroughly, utterly soaked. Now I'm cold. Let's hope I won't get a flu as a result of today's weather, I still have two exams coming up.
Now I'll start cooking lasagne and then I'll continue with Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë; I still find boring but less now that I know the general outline due to watching the TV version of it that was aired about a month or two ago. And I get extra motivation out of the fact that once I finish it and pass the exam for which I'm reading the damn thing I don't have to think of it until next year when I'll sell it to the first person I know needs it with a remarkably low price just to get rid of it. Some student will be happy next year (and yes, I'm sure someone's going to need it because it's been the course book for at least the last thirteen years; one of my teachers said she had to read it for that course, too).