The Other World

Näytetään bloggaukset lokakuulta 2012.

TÄÄLÄ SATAA LUNTA! TÄÄLÄ SATAA LUNTA! JES!!! Ihanaa, mahtavaa, hauskaa, jeeeeee! Heti kun huomasin että pihalla tulee lunta, päästi kiljahduksen, revin maiharit jalkaan ja pihalle. Siellä sitten nauroin ja pyörin ja yritin ottaa ilmasta suuhun noita isoja höttöjä joista huomattava osa osui silmälaseihin lätsähtäen kivasti niin ettei nähnyt juuri mitään mutta ei se mitään! Ja sitten taiteilin portaiden kaiteelle minilumiukon naapurin muksujen ihmeteltäväksi. JEE TALVI TULEE SITTENKIN!!!!

TÄÄLÄ SATAA LUNTA! TÄÄLÄ SATAA LUNTA! Täälä sataa lunta! Täälä sataa lunta! Tääläsataaluntatääläsataaluntatääläsataaluntatääläsataalunta..!!!


It's here: autumn. Less hours of daylight, better view of stars and galaxies and planets and satellites. I just downloaded Stellarium, an open-source planetary on my computer and holy shit is it amazing! Looking outside the window and seeing Jupiter, then checking the screen to find out is over 600 million kilometres away. Seeing the bright star Beetlegeuse below it several hundred lightyears away and that the light from it reaching Earth and my corneas is actually, literally, looking back in time. This is an excellent investment of my limited hard drive space, especially now that winter is arriving. Yay, several months to stargaze in ever-increasing amount of time!!

The Emperor of Maladies.

My grandfather has cancer. It's expected to be benign but his having a biopsy taken next week to make sure. They discovered accidentally; he was at the doctors the get treatment for getting too much sun during the summer (one more vote for the inventors of suncream from me). Must be one of the rear words in any language that awakens fear in everyone. Cancer. Syöpä.

I don't deserve my grandparents. They're just too good to me even though I'm such a screw-up. They've held me up when my depression's been beating me down. I feel safe to tell them pretty much anything. I know I can go to them with however short notice if I feel the need for a safe place. I'm even able to tell them I love them, and actually use the L-word without feeling uncertain or cheesy or disingenuous. I can't imagine a life without them and I wish I could be of more use to them, to be someone they could be proud of.