(insert an exited scream here)
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I've got a summer job! I've got a summer job! Happy! Happy! Happy! I just found out an hour ago. Can you believe it?! I already had a job interview for Monday but I guess it's now somewhat useless, since on Monday I will also be going to Adecco to sign the contract and going through all the details. I RULE!
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The day's been very good otherwise, too. After our very last NALC lecture (where I appeared late; seems to be something I do every single final lecture of the term every year) I went to have coffee with M. I've mentioned her before: she's the one to say she's not coming on to me but has to come closer in order to see the blackboard behind a very misplaced column in the lecture room. We talked over an hour; I don't think I've ever really understood the satisfaction one can get from simple human interaction. I've been living under the stone for far too long. And I'm not even planning on returning there just yet; the museum week is currently going on, and I decided to go to the local museum tomorrow. Why is it that when you go abroad the first thing most people do is to go to a museum but never bother to see what a building about a ten-minute walk away can offer? Anyway, the shaman show is what draws me there, and the series of underwater photographs. Too bad the films were shown on Wednesday, it would have been interesting to see a documentary of volcanoes. Why we never watched nature documentaries at school? Well, at least we have YLE. Which reminds me... I have to remember to pay the TV license bill once I finish this. And then I’ll start watching the latest version of “The Phantom of the Opera” on DVD; it’s been too long.
I also have to remember to invest to a bike. It takes close to an hour per side to my future work place, and I don't think it would make me jump out of mere joy (like today at the church's park when I found out I got the job) to walk in a literally breathtaking summer heat with a heavy bag for an hour on my way to work or back home. And with my first paycheque I'll be getting new shoes; the ones I wear at the gym are getting... well, in a while they'll probably look so very happy once they're torn asunder after some Combat class.
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I, by the way, allowed myself to pay a visit to Suomalainen, again. I went there to get Frida Kahlo's biography. In addition to that pocket book, I found a book I bought *only* for the cover and the fact that, when I opened it up from a random page, the first word to catch my eye was "dragon". Might have something to do with my dream last night in which I tried to catch a red dragon (and no, I doubt this includes any kind of subconscious reference to Thomas Harris or William Blake). The book is cover in dark green velvet, in a similar way as the Nightwish book is. It's written by Debi Gliori and is called "Magiaa mennen tullen". It also has a nice Nessie silhouette on the cover. It's a fantasy book I found from the children's section; I think I'll like it.
What is it, by the way, that some people in the staff offer their help without asking? I don't know, maybe I spent too much time there, or perhaps I looked otherwise suspicious. Well, if his goal was to drive me out quickly, then congratulations, it worked. I just wish I had asked him why he thought I needed help. Hell, I go there so often one would think they all recognise me by now and know I always go through the entire store even if I had already found whatever I came there for in the first place. Impulse shopping, people; besides, it pays *your* paycheque, so stop harassing the customers, especially me! If I need I'll ask myself, end of story, goodbye, the end.
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The Meme of the Day (although something tells me I’ll be blogging again later):
Mikä on henkitraktorisi? From http://www.rikos.net/quiz4.htm
“Henkitraktorisi on Valmet!
Sinua varjelee Valmet-traktorin henki. Tämän henkitraktorin suojelemia henkilöitä pidetään joskus synkkinä ja vaikeina, vaikka todellisuudessa he vain haluavat yksinkertaisesti pitää puolensa tässä kylmässä maailmassa. Asennetta ja sarkasmia löytyy vaikka muille jaettavaksi, mutta ystävistään ja rakkaimmistaan he pitävät hyvää huolta.”
A goofy meme for a goofy day. Grin and bear it, baby!