Wake up.
Turn on the computer.
See today's headlines.
"Hallitus myönsi luvat kahdelle ydinvoimalalle."
"Kaikki puolueet lupailivat maksuttoman koulutuksen säilyttämistä" (bullocks; political memory is clearly very short since the very same people pushed for the exact opposite!)
Go back to sleep.
The following will sound just downright cruel. Sometimes I wish my paternal grandfather was dead. Not for myself but for my grandmother. First her father literally sold her (at the age of 17) to my grandfather, 13 years of her senior. She has been put down all her life, threatened with never seeing her kids again if she divorced, and now when she's on pension her husband, my grandfather, age 80+, is dementic and requires constant care for which she gets no support (monetary or otherwise) from the state. It makes me so angry. Even now he has some kind of power over her: she's afraid to speak of things in front of him. She told me she'd like to see Budabest; I agreed to go with her and settle everything, but now she's backing up. I phoned her today: she said nothing of the trip at all and towards the end her voice became a whisper. Later she sent me a text message explaining she couldn't talk about the trip because my grandfather was there.
I'm angry. Her whole life she's been a servant to others and their whims. Even now, during her last years she's tied to home so much she can't even take five days to do what she's dreamt of. I am so angry at the people and the state that make this possible.