If there is an unexpected gap in blogging it is very likely due to me being held under custody by the authorities in blue.
Today the exchange student I've mentioned before did something I am very much *not* willing to grin and bear. He kept kissing my cheecks and touching me (including my breast!) even though I was very clearly almost shouting "stop" and "no", and pushing him away. On Monday he (again) told me he loved me, and replied my question of "in what way" by saying it's "God's love". What the hell is that supposed to mean?!
Anyway, if he e v e r mistakes to do that again I will not shout, I will punch him; an action that might get me under both arrest and a psychological evaluation. I don't care about the possible cultural differences; I find his actions uncomfortable and it is my right no to tolerate them and tell him so (with a modest proposal to fuck off because staying around me would be unhealthy).

1 kommentti
25.5.2007 22:24
We got this matter sorted out this Monday. It appears the love is that of friends. At this point, of course, begins the battle over the semantics of 'friend' but what the hell. For some reason he also wanted to know if I had a boyfriend and I actually had guts to point out (the laws on homosexuality in Nigeria, after all, are strict) that the more appropriate question would be if I had a girlfriend. He took it quite well.
But anyway, after saying that I don't mean it personally but that I just find him touching me highly uncomfortable at best he's left me alone physically. Good for you, C.