...nobody ever called him Al.
He had a long moustache to pull on
it was yellow
I don't believe he ever had a girl.
One thing he missed out in his theory
of time, space and relativity
is something that makes it very clear he
was never gonna score like you and me.
He didn't know about:
Quark, Strangeness and Charm
(repeat repeat...
...reap eat)"
Hawkwind: "Quark, Strangeness and Charm"
Ja eipä mulla muuta
(vaikka akateemiset, luovuudet, kauneudet, fundikset ja rakkaudet...
...olen toki tahoiltaan viime päivinä lukenut ja,
sydämessäni tarkastellut),
- - -
4 kommenttia
12.7.2008 01:57
ja sydämesi on tärkeä, mielestämme!
12.7.2008 03:54
I'm sorry to say none of it makes any sence to me. Must be Mother England way of thinking.
12.7.2008 13:20
Heard that before... But yes, it's English.
13.7.2008 09:15
et vähä niinku jeesus? kryptist läpänderii parra ja pitkän tukan takaa? jeessii shittii.