The flames followed maintained Joan of the elbow, while it came, by not leading a moon via the darkness, so that tecwrakjsme ' No. keeps, no bright individual, so that he takes it to much via this kapnw ' Oy ' s harms.
It has said je"suis fatigued by the war, I wants the kind of work, which was before necessary, a nuptiale dress or something space bar, which I still envy my prisme ' references."
Well I am eytyhi ' s for I hear that you this kind, you speak white I you watched out on each day and at something with yearns of winning over cold this and irwj!' only THERE.
"and those are you?" he spoke sternly also under the tobacco ", because I am fire" it answered "and her isolation, I likes likes your pride."
"after it the fire makes your body cold weather, would have you the mine at the sleeve to give,", by saying, what within climbed, so that it is its one, so that he is its daughter-in-law alone.
And deeply at its glowing heart it took the dust of Joan of the elbow, and highly over received nuptiaux it hung the cinder its nuptiale of dress.
It was deeply it taken at its glowing heart the dust of Joan of the elbow, and afterwards you take clearly, if it were fire, OH thereafter which is necessary that she is from wood.
Evle ' I THERE its concentration evle ' I THERE its cry evle ' I THERE the honour in its eye. Is it Langzeiti for the affection and the light, but this necessarily which come so hard and the OH so bright?
Leikin hieman Altavistan Babelfishilla (, tuo on Leonard Cohenin Joan of Arc käännettynä järjestyksessä englanti-kreikka-ranska-saksa-englanti. Ei aavistustakaan mistä tuo "envy the prisme references" tuli (alkuperäinen teksti löytyy mm. )
Ja sama teksti toiseen suuntaan, samat kielet:
Did the flames follow now this Joan of elbow, while it has come, they go up from the dark? a moon you keep luminous their preparation, a person, he receives from this night a lot rauchige.
With it has said "that I am the war, it wishes tired the type of work that I had front, a marriage of behavior or something that knows is, later that djogkw'netaj my appetite to be reported.
I am well eytyhi's you I hear in this way it speaks, you know that I have made the attention you go up a one day and gain such something in with yearns, a cold and only Heldin.
"and the one that is you? it has spoken sternly to this under this it smokes. "because, I am the fire, I have answered this," and I like, like your einsamkeit alone I your pride.
"then, abfeuern, you leave the cold of your bodies, you I will give the shaft in the influence, he will not be, the one that says that amounts to the interior this, for should it is, despite his must.
And deep in in his kayti'n heart it has intensely taken the dust Joan of elbow and in the marriage entertained that has hung the ash the marriage of their behavior.
He was deep in in his kayti'n heart that it has taken the dust Joan of elbow, and this it has included obviously while it is the fire, that oh it should then it is in the timbers -,
this. I have seen his Wince, I have seen his cry, I have in seen the fame in his eye. In deed I later loves and does he turn on, does seek nevertheless if inhumanly it should does come, and OH - luminous thus?
"I will give the shaft in the influence"? Que? Joskin "With it has said "that I am the war,"" on oikeasti ihan kiinnostava uusi näkökulma...
Niin, viime päivinä on jututtu kuuntelemaan aika paljon tuota Leonard Cohenin Songs of Love And Hate -levyä. Jonka pitäisi olla talvilevy...useampi viittausta joulukuuhun ja tunnelmaltaan myös yhtä valoisa kuin talvipäivänseisaus. Ulkona on kylmä, minulla on kylmempi.