The Swedes have it so well that their researchers have time to study the development of a drug that would reduce labour pains and, if successful, would make the lives of about half of the species a whole lot easier.
Then there are those who claim labour pain is "good for women", that it helps them bond with the child and prepare women for motherhood and whatnot. It probably goes without saying these people tend to have a piece of flesh hanging between their legs, such as a midwife named Dennis Walsh.
A reply has been made and I will copy the whole text as it is just so good.
THE senior male midwife who criticised child-birth painkillers will today have a hat-stand forced into his anus, women have promised. Dr Denis Walsh will be dragged from his office and taken to a paddling pool in the car park where three strong women will hold him down while another two take a seven-foot, solid pine hat-stand with six large curved coat hooks and put it in him.
Emma Bradford, a pregnant lady from Peterborough, said: "No painkillers, no epidurals, we want him to be able to bond with the hat-stand. And of course there are potential health risks if you use painkillers while a hefty, awkwardly-shaped piece of hall furniture is shoved as far up your lower intestine as we can get it. The pain of hat-stand insertion is a beautiful, natural thing, but if he's worried then perhaps he could try hypnotising himself into thinking that none of this is happening while we use the hat-stand to convince him that it is."
She added: "We've set up the paddling pool, or 'hat-standing pool' so that he can see for himself exactly how much difference that will make." Jill McKay, from Doncaster, said: "If he needs something to take his mind off the searing pain in his anus I'd be more than happy to take a pair of pliers to his testicles."
Dr Walsh said: "I take it all back. It was obviously a joke. Look, I've not been well. Get your hands off me. For Christ's sake someone call security. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!""