• Splenetic

Musings of Her and other stories.

Why is it that when I consciously try to keep a distance to Her (capital H intentional), it seems that everyone looks like her: a nurse, a woman in a TV ad, a porn star, anyone?The same part that sees patterns where there is none, e.g. Michael Jackson's face in clouds, or JC in a burnt toast?


Everyone who's seen a single episode of The L Word is probably very much aware of Shane and her Fonz-like Casanova presence. But the real life Shanes... what is it about them that make them so irresistable, so very attractive when they're not even trying to be, when they're only being themselves? What is it: the looks, some mysterious particle that makes them glow with eroticism towards women -straight, bi and gay alike- whether they're trying to hit on them or not? Self-confidence? An combination very arbitrary but by coincidence they have that something? What is that something? What is it that I don't have?