I accidentally pressed the wrong blog name and ended up in Deus semper major blog. Kalle blogged about the new Join the Church! website, a counterpart for the Leave the Church! website that's been up for years. As for the latter, there has been over the years only one report of its abuse; someone had filled in someone elses info and the unknowing person received a confirmation of leaving the chirch a while later.
But the same is possible the other way around, too. Took a look at the form that is supposed to be filled. It has the usual info and the most complicated thing to figure out against one's will is the ID number. The form does ask about confirmations and such but also offer an answer option of "I don't know". Getting access to someone else's ID number isn't too tricky since it's printed on ID cards, Kela cards, some other cards, and several official papers like taxation, student allowance, etc.
What I am pondering, is how many compulsively obsessive fundie decides to desperately save people's souls when they exercise their freedom to use reason and do not want to be part of this institution or some of its other sects; and whether the church will report this to the public at all. And before some yahoo starts barking, let's face it: religious persons are more prone to behave in a "the end justifies the means" way that agnostics or atheists, especially those that sincerely believe they have a god-given right to dominate over those that do not worship the same god in a same way as they do. When's the last time you heard of an atheist/agnostic killing a reverend/vicar/minister/whatever-the-professional-lier-is-called, or burning a pile of Bibles and Korans? No?

3 kommenttia
2.7.2009 19:17
There's a difference between the sites: the church's site just only contacts the local parish, so one cannot automatically be joined to the church through the site.
2.7.2009 19:22
Blah, looks like I'm wrong. Discard the previous one. :D
3.7.2009 11:17
Okay. I admire your optimism, though... :)