Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe, who has reached the age of 19 (when did this happen?), has now confirmed the evil suspicions: he is an atheist. Not only is he an atheist but he also admires the outspoken bright Richard Dawkins.
"I'm an atheist, but I'm very relaxed about it. I don't preach my atheism, but I have a huge amount of respect for people like Richard Dawkins who do. Anything he does on television, I will watch."
He also suspects that all people who have hated the Potter phenomenon, both literary and celluloid, will now have one more reason to preach against the Potters (because Bible of course has no violence in it, or hatred, or cultish themes, or magical themes, or sheer evil...):
"There we go, Dan, that's half of America that's not going to see the next Harry Potter film on the back of that comment."
ELEVEN DAYS 'TILL THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE MOVIE!!! With this weather I may be able to wear my Slytherin scarf after all!