The Other World

And thus FinnConn anxiety begins...

... by entering my dream. This time by getting me play a high-tech, 'Resident Evil' type of "a random group of people stuck in a mall surrounded and occupied by zombies'. They made me kill Michio Kaku! I was a cold-blooded bitch who shot Johnny Depp in the head the second we found out he was bitten by one of the zombies (which, as you all surely know, means he'll turn into eventually), but to kill a creator of string theory.. ouch! I wonder who they'd have stored for me later on in the game if I hadn't woken up.. Simone de Beauvoir? Carl Sagan? Richard Dawkins? Mary Roach? My cousins?!

And this a result of wondering if going to FinnConn is such a good idea after all as it breaks all my important routines AND forces me to travel.


Jep, edelleen hengissä. Ja keskellä eduskuntavaaleja. Katson juuri pienpuolueiden vaalitenttiä Areenasta (TV-luvan irtisanominen oli erittäin hyvä ratkaisu!). Ahistaa.

Edustajan hakeminen menee päin helvettiä. Millään ei ketään löydy. Eri aiheet olen priorisoinut, mutta silti kaikki onnistuvat kusemaan niistä ainakin yhden tärkeimpien päälle, vaikka olisivatkin samaa mieltä muista asioista.

Tuntuu, että vaikka kuinka olisi kyse puolueihmisestä, ehdokkaiden mielipiteet vaihtelevat rajustikin puolueiden sisällä. Sitten ovat nämä pienpuolueet, joiden perustana onkin, ettei puolueen johto määräile ehdokkaitaan olemaan tietyistä asioista tiettyä mieltä. Ja tätä olen miettinyt: miksi on vaalipiirejä? Siis nyt enää. Eikö kyse ole saada äänestää henkilöä, joka ajaa asioita jotka ovat minulle tärkeitä, ja näistä asioista yksi voi olla se oma maakunta? Miksi se maakunnan osuus on niin kova, että se on pakollinen?

Jos piirejä ei olisi, tietäisin tasan ketä äänestäisin, mutta kun hän on Pirkanmaan ehdokas. Ja Vaasa? Voi jumalauta! Aivan kuin jotkut eivät ottaisi tätä hommaa edes tosissaan, hyvä kuin edes monivalintaisiin vaalikoneisiin viitsivät vastata. Ja kysymyslistaani ei vastaile kukaan.

Pakko olla samaa mieltä niiden kanssa, joiden mielestä tarvittaisiin enemmän sitovia kansanäänestyksiä Sveitsin tapaan. Vaalit eivät oikein toimi tällaisena, kun samaan ääneen ympätään tuhat eri asiaa. Kuten M11-Jiri äsken sanoi, vaaleissa ei äänestetä esimerkiksi EU-tuesta taloudellisessa ahdingossa oleville maille, vaan äänestetään niitä jotka saavat siitä sitten sanoa.

Haluaisin kovasti äänestää, mutta äänestänkö nyt vain äänestämisen takia, enkä siksi että joukossa olisi joku jonka kanssa olen samaa mieltä? Voinko äänestää jotakuta, jonka kanssa olen tärkeistäkin asioista vähiten eri mieltä? Voinko olla äänestämättä kokonaan?

Just another Saturday morning...

When I went to bed last night, this wasn't quite the morning I had in mind. My back's been a bit icky since last afternoon but not too bad. I went to bed, fell asleep.. and around 4.30 I attempt to shift my position and a curseing-inducing pain strikes worse than ever. Even leaning to the wall (previously useful method) proved useless. So, with elderly steps (and I use that word in its broadest sense) I gather up some things to my bag, use half an hour to dress (putting on trousers and a t-shirt can be quite painstaking.. heehee...) and finally call an ambulance to get me to the A&E (or ER, if you will; the British word is not used very often). That's what you get for living in the periphery without a license to drive: the place is an hour's walk away normally so walking was not the best option. And of course it has to be Saturday morning when no busses go. So, I get my first ride on an ambulance, get admitted and wait for half an hour for my turn. It was interesting to watch the others, wondering why they were there. The couple that came after me, no idea. The couple before me... the woman had a bleeding nose and a "throw-up-here" cup in front of her.. have to admit, domestic violence did come to mind. One guy slept in a rather awkward position on the double chair (at one point he slept like my cousin as a baby: kneeling with her head to the pillow and bottom up in the air).

Finally I get to the doctor, find out that my reaction was much ado about nothing and get prescriptions for extra strong painkillers. Before leaving, I get three shots on my bottom since the pharmacists were all still closed. Laying on my stomach while getting three needles on my arse confirmed my suspicions: not exactly my usual morning. And now I need to stay awake until I can get the prescriptions from the local drug store.

Apparently, I have to move as much as possible for my back to heal. I guess I'll be going to the library, too. Unfortunately, that's all I have to spend the time I'm supposed to do something. Sigh... no 'Big Bang Theory' or 'Stargate SG-1' or 'Stargate: Atlantis' to me. Maybe I'll put some books under my TV and play 'God of War' standing up. Then I'd most certainly move.. and chant "Die! Die! Die!" while killing a virtual minotaur. :)

But since the library won't open for another hour, I do want to watch more Sheldon's absurdities.

Speaking of which... Does anyone here play World of Warcraft? I was thinking of starting that and hopefully developing an addiction to it, so I would stop complaining about my lack of social circles. Besides, the WoW game packages always look so very appealing. And who could resist a game with a name "Wrath of the Lich King"? Yeah, Nerdvana. :)

A notion of the not-so-merry Yuletide: Went through my grandparents' cards. Turned out that my family has sent cards to people they know for a fact I send my own. Otherwise fine apart from one tiny thing.

"Yuletide Greetings yadda yadda yadda... From Mother, Brother, Splenetic and Sister and The Boyfriend"

The same FIVE names were also on the card of the gift from the family of my mother's brother. Call me paranoid but I'm quite fucking sure there won't be no Riitta or Milla or Kiia there even if I had openly a relationship with a woman.

It's a shitty world and it just has to rubbed in on holidays that are supposed to be joyous. Joy my arse. Fuck!


No AiA text yet. Still working on it (got so long that I had to switch to WordPad).

In other news: I have a package waiting for me at the local post office. Nothing new about that but the paper in which this announcement was made... well, look at the picture below.

Frightening. What the fuck is it to assume a 25-year-old woman is *married*?!


On my way to the train station, to enter a train going to Helsinki. I am going to see the play


Whohoo! I actually managed to get a ticket there months ago. Happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappy!

A month later...

Seems that my latest rant took place a month ago. What's been happening during that time?

* I discovered that *She* is straight (what a surprise, I seem to be a fucking staidar...) but unlike I expected it didn't crush me; I'll be quite happy with a friendship of sorts.
* I've concluded that I'm broken: a many-a-time smashed vase that has been put back together with glue and tapes and one shove away from utter destruction. QED: No romantic relationship is feasable. Why would anyone want a relationship with me, a broken and ugly pessimist with no social skills to speak off?
* My savings account is beginning to empty without Kela's allowances for about a year. This has been the reason for searching jobs.
* The most tolerable job prospect seems to be prostitution. I'm already broken so I won't be explaining and justifying this choice to anyone who might have qualms about it. I might as well be broken and able to pay my bills on time.
* Still no M thesis, it's not even started. Fuck, I don't even have a topic. I haven't even notified the professor who thinks I'm going to be writing it on literature and thus be under his guidance.