Seems that my latest rant took place a month ago. What's been happening during that time?
* I discovered that *She* is straight (what a surprise, I seem to be a fucking staidar...) but unlike I expected it didn't crush me; I'll be quite happy with a friendship of sorts.
* I've concluded that I'm broken: a many-a-time smashed vase that has been put back together with glue and tapes and one shove away from utter destruction. QED: No romantic relationship is feasable. Why would anyone want a relationship with me, a broken and ugly pessimist with no social skills to speak off?
* My savings account is beginning to empty without Kela's allowances for about a year. This has been the reason for searching jobs.
* The most tolerable job prospect seems to be prostitution. I'm already broken so I won't be explaining and justifying this choice to anyone who might have qualms about it. I might as well be broken and able to pay my bills on time.
* Still no M thesis, it's not even started. Fuck, I don't even have a topic. I haven't even notified the professor who thinks I'm going to be writing it on literature and thus be under his guidance.