The Other World

Kreationismi (lue: uskomusoppi maailman luomisesta) tiedetunnille?

Hyvä, että on järkeviä ihmisiä puolustamassa järkeä valtion ja näin kirkkoon kuulumattomienkin veronmaksajienkin tukemaa huuhaata vastaan.

Vaste Puolimatkalle 22.11. Elisa Järnefelt, Helsingin yliopiston uskontotieteen laitoksen tutkija, väitöskirja luomisuskomuksista ja evoluutioteoriasta

Vasteita Mielipide-osastolle ovat kirjoittaneet myös 18.11. Juha Mikola ja 19.11. Maija Ahtee.

Ja kaikki siis lähti 15.11.2008 seuraavasta Tapio Puolimatkan (jonka kurssikirja meilläkin on; hyvä tietää, mitä kontekstia vasten tarkastella tuota teosta...), kasvatuksen teorian ja tradition professori Jyväskylän yliopistossa (huom; ei minkäänlaista akteemista auktoriteettia), Vieraskynä-kirjoituksesta Hesarissa kreationismin ottamisesta tasa-arvoiseksi osaksi biologian opetusta näin ikään:

Tänään Mielipide-osastolla Perttu Kivivuori, kasvatustieteiden maisteri, puoltaa Puolimatkaa, vaikkei kummallakaan ole minkäänlaista auktoriteettia päättää mitä opetetaan ja millä tunnilla. Herrat voivat puolestani pakata laukkunsa ja painua USA:n Keskilänteen, siellä kun tämä heidän ideaalimaailmansa jo on pystyssä. Sayonara, suckers.


"Malaysia's top Islamic body on Saturday ruled against Muslims practicing yoga, saying it had elements of other religions that could corrupt Muslims."

Funny. That's exactly the same thing my religion teacher said in 9th grade, just replacing 'Muslims' with 'Christians'. I rest my case: monotheistic, Abraham-based religions have so much in common I can't believe they don't see it themselves.

"Recently, the council issued an edict banning tomboys, ruling that girls who act like boys violate the tenets of Islam."

Seriously, don't they have anything better to do. Be concerned of any genuine problems? Climatic shift, or poverty, or the lack of education, perhaps???


Since Mormons have continued their dogma of babtising the dead from false religions and bring them into light through babtism by proxy, an initiative has been made to babtise deceased Mormons into the pleasures of homosexuality:

"Dear God of the Homos,

With your great and everlasting love that blessed the covenants of Achilles and Petroclus, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, and of Jonathon and David, bless then the soul of Joseph Smith of Sharon, Vermont with your divine penis. Let it pierce the anus of his soul, and let you be forever joined to him, since on this oppressive earth, he was denied the pleasure of the male sex.

Forever and ever, our brother Joseph Smith has now joined our family (We Sing the Hymn to Praise God of the Homos!).

Blessed be God of the Homos,


Ihana trolli!

10 syytä miksi homoavioliitot tulisi kieltää:

1. Homous ei ole luonnollista. Samalla tavalla kuin ihmiset ovat kieltäytyneet silmälaseista, muovista ja keskuslämmitteisistä taloista, koska ne eivät ole luonnollisia.

2. Homoavioliitot kannustavat ihmisiä homouteen. Samalla tavalla kuin seurustelu pitkien ihmisten kanssa tekee ihmisistä pitkiä.

3. Homoavioliiton laillistaminen avaisi oven erilaisille oudoille mahdollisuuksille. Jotkut ehkä haluaisivat jopa mennä naimisiin lemmikkieläintensä kanssa koska ne ovat oikeustoimikelpoisia ja voivat allekirjoittaa avioliittosopimuksen.

4. Heteroavioliitto on ollut olemassa pitkään eikä ole muuttunut yhtään. Naiset ovat yhä omaisuutta, avioero on yhä laiton ja pettäminen on yhä määritelty rikoslaissa.

5. Heteroavioliitosta tulee vähemmän merkitsevä jos homoavioliitot sallitaan. Britney Spearsin 55-tunnin avioliiton pyhyys olisi tuhottu.

6. Heteroavioliitot ovat oikein koska ne tuottavat lapsia. Homoparien, hedelmättömien parien ja vanhojen ihmisten ei pidä antaa mennä naimisiin, koska maailmassa ei ole vielä tarpeeksi lapsia.

7. Ilmeisesti homovanhemmat kasvattavat vain homolapsia, koska heterovanhemmat kasvattavat vain heterolapsia.

8. Uskonto ei tue homoavioliittoa. Kaltaisessamme teokratiassa yhden uskonnnon arvot heijastuvat koko maahan. Siksi maassamme on vain yksi uskonto.

9. Lapset eivät voi kasvaa täysipainoisiksi aikuisiksi ilman kotoa löytyviä nais- ja miesroolimalleja. Siksi yksinhuoltajuus on kielletty.

10. Homoavioliitot muuttavat yhteiskuntamme perustaa, emme koskaan voisi sopeutua uusiin sosiaalisiin normeihin. Samaan tapaan kuin emme ole sopeutuneet autoihin, palvelusektoritalouteen tai pidempiin elinaikoihin.

(Tekstissä esiintyvät homo-sanat viittaavat sekä homoihin että lesboihin)

It'll snow tomorrow!!!

And to add a little more pressure on the thesis pressure (since, obviously, there wasn't enough already) was to hear a comment a friend's thesis instructor to their group: "don't think any of you will get a higher grade than magna". Veeeery encouraging, indeed. =/

Bad Good World.

Apparently the game Little Big World has finally been released. It was taken back due to this incident:

So why is it that if something is justified by religion, you can get away with anything? More on that subject see the quick overlook on today's news: child abuse ( and restrictions of freedom of speech ( And why do even the non-religious people bow to religion? "I don't share your beliefs but I RESPECT them." And this respect leads to accepting anything on then basis of religion. Like this Little Big World thing: what other religion could restrict the behaviour of those who are not members of that religion as muslims? Why is it that everyone else bows to whatever muslims come up with to ban/restrict/banish/forbid on the basis that it offends their religion?

Intelligent Pad, my arse.

Goddamn mouse... my Vista TouchPad mouse seems to have a life of its own. Not in the same way that with most Vista people whose mouses jump around the screen, no. My mouse is like Garfield: lazy so therefore not jumping from one side of the screen to the other and back again like a psychotic Duracell bunny, but it clicks things on its own. I heard a term "Intelligent Pad". "Mischevious Pad" more like. I wonder if the developers actually thought about this through: to make my point clear, try playing Minesweeper on advanced level when the mouse gives you surprises all the time; I may be just crossing from one certain "no mine here" location to another across a field of "no idea yet which ones have mines" and all of a sudden -ylläripylläri!- the mouse clicks one of the uncertain ones and CABOOM! all mines are set off with a click I didn't make or could not predict. Even now that I'm writing this the mouse clicks occasionally on the blank space beside the text box where I left it. Writing with Works fucks, too. There's no point in changing the sensitivity of the TouchPad, obviously. Oh, fuck off... stop clicking!!!

The Origin of Annoyance & Suicidal Tendencies, Part II.

Why is it that some days you just get annoyed by everything? I even snapped at the phonesales woman today. It's one thing to snap at men which is more like a rule, not an exception. But to be unpolite to a woman... ouch. And how you'd like to shout at the slightest thing that goes unlike the way you planned. What is that?

- - - - -

Top 3 of suicidal songs:

1. 'Dead End Lane' by Velcra
2. 'Rajaton rakkaus' by Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus
3. 'Chop Suye!' by System of a Down

"Worms eat the flesh of the sinner forever." - A story of child abuse.

I saw the Amelia Hann documentary "Baby Bible Bashers" ("Lapsisaarnaajat") on Tuesday on Channel 4. I found it very disturbing. In case you missed the documentary, I fished a few clips from the web:

It seemed to me that the children in question (the seven-year-old Samuel, the nine-year-old Terry, and the twelve-year-old Ana Carolina) were extreme examples of Richard Dawkins' saying: "there are no Christian/Muslim/Catholic/whatever children, only children of Christian/Muslim/Catholic/whatever parents".

The guardians of these children seemed to treat their children as some kind of perfections, that is, something that they hope they would have been, so they are living their own dreams through their children. The children are “trained like circus animals to perform to the crowds for the benefit of their handlers....” ( The kids very likely behave the way they do not because they would have "the Lord us[ing]" them, but because they have learnt that the only way to have their dominating parent (usually the father) love them. These parents don't know what unconditional love means because to them there probably is no such thing. Except perhaps Ana Carolina's father who apparently feels the need to sleep in the same bed with his 12-year-old daughter. I doubt I'm the only one who finds this not only extremely weird but possibly paedophilic. Terry's father seemed to have very clear ideas how to develop the "Terry Empire" further. I'm sure the financial gain the "Empire" would give the father doesn't escape him (or Terry's grandmother). Also, the person "behind the success" of Ana Carolina was her father. I can't doubt the financial gain escape him, either.

As for the miracles performed by Terry... never underestimate the power of suggestion. I think it's the same thing with the Nokia Mission, for instance. There are certain type of people that go to these "healing" events, and these people already strongly believe in God's power that works through the (tel)evangelists (and God, naturally, needs money in order to be able to do those miracles...). If you believe it, you're half way there. And the whole power of suggestion probably would wear off in time if the people in question wouldn't continuously feed the belief.

One of the saddest things was to see Samuel touring around the US. How he ended up crying and saying he "want[s] my mom" as the people don't listen to him like back at home in Mississippi and instead ignore him (or be hostile towards him, or pity him). The boy shouts in every street corner in those towns how all the people in that long list would end up in Hell where "worms eat the flesh of the sinner forever" (undoubtedly a result of his father’s answer to whether he Samuel-the-three-year-old would go to Hell). He said that he does what he does in order to save people from going to that Hell of his father(s). Did you notice how Samuel kept repeating the worms eating the sinner's flesh in Hell. I got the impression he truly fears flesh-eating worms. That -alongside his Samuelomaniac parents and their fundamental beliefs- is probably his main motivation to keep on believing in God and preaching his father(s)'s word. And while preaching, he deals with concepts no seven-year-old can possibly fully understand. Hell, most adults argue about those very concepts! And even the simplest things are still lost in Samuel's underdeveloped mind: standing near a bar with his father and those cardboards and the bible and asking his father if those people are drunk. And a minute later the same boy shouts not to kill your babies (and his idea was that those women who were getting abortions couldn't afford having children or didn't want to have children). I hope the kid doesn't yet know exactly how babies are made. And nonetheless, he demonstrates against those women.

..."Worms eat the flesh of the sinner forever."... he may feel that the entire weight of all the human souls are on his shoulders to bear as well as the responsibility of saving their souls to prevent them from going to Hell. No wonder the kid's so sad. Add to that the weight to live up to his father's religious expectations and you have potential severe mental illness (although I don't doubt the father would explain it as the Devil's tricks and performing exorcism of his own). And Ana Carolina taking dreams and nightmares as God's messages... the father must encourage this kind of delusional thinking.

Imagine what happens if -and when- these kids have a crisis of faith. I feel sorry for them.
