Goddamn mouse... my Vista TouchPad mouse seems to have a life of its own. Not in the same way that with most Vista people whose mouses jump around the screen, no. My mouse is like Garfield: lazy so therefore not jumping from one side of the screen to the other and back again like a psychotic Duracell bunny, but it clicks things on its own. I heard a term "Intelligent Pad". "Mischevious Pad" more like. I wonder if the developers actually thought about this through: to make my point clear, try playing Minesweeper on advanced level when the mouse gives you surprises all the time; I may be just crossing from one certain "no mine here" location to another across a field of "no idea yet which ones have mines" and all of a sudden -ylläripylläri!- the mouse clicks one of the uncertain ones and CABOOM! all mines are set off with a click I didn't make or could not predict. Even now that I'm writing this the mouse clicks occasionally on the blank space beside the text box where I left it. Writing with Works fucks, too. There's no point in changing the sensitivity of the TouchPad, obviously. Oh, fuck off... stop clicking!!!
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2 kommenttia
17.11.2008 11:02
My laptop mousepad does the same, clicking by itself...I haven't yet seen any benefit from such a function, and indeed there are games where it can screw up things..."oh, you wnat your troop to go attack those troops there...well, no, you will only take them halfway and then let them attack you next round". Geeh!
19.11.2008 01:52
The Engineer's Vengeance Theory: some nameless and faceless, underpaid programmer working for Gates is taking revenge. The engineer gathers a couple of other equally pissed off and eqully underpaid programmer friends (but all with excellent CV, of course, for authority). They create the Intelligent Pad and manage to convince all the whose main activity on computers during the day is to watch porn and jerk off ("It's the computer, Doctor, I have spent too much time working") that this is revolutionary and -even better- not in Macs so they must have it 'cause it will make the users life so much easier, and quicker, and more efficient, and [add comparatives here]. Thanks a billion, guys...