• Splenetic


2 kommenttia


4.11.2008 01:40

No miksi?


5.11.2008 18:47

Juttelin erään nigerialaisen vaihtarin kanssa (olen höpissyt C:stä täällä joskus aiemminkin). Aiheena oli raiskaus ja kun C nyt on kristitty ja uskoonsa täysin kritiikittömästi suhtautuva, huomautin hänelle eräistä rakkaan kirjansa kohdista (Sodoma ja Gomorra, Lot, etc.). C sanoi, että hänestä oli *virhe*, että Lot ei ajanut kaupunkilaisia (jotka vaativat Lotia luovuttamaan heille seksuaalisia tarkoituksiaan varten juuri luokseen saapuneita miehiä jotka olivat ilmeisesti enkeleitä) pois, vaan luovutti iloisin mielin vieraiden miesten sijaan vaimonsa ja tyttärensä, "joka on vielä koskematon". Siis V I R H E! Lähdin huoneesta sillä sekunnilla. C yritti pysäyttää tarttumalla kädestä, mutta ravistettuani C:n irti näytin ilmeisesti sen verran vihaiselta, että ei tullut perässä ulos. Kirjeenvaihto välillämme oli sen jälkeen seuraavaa (ja vitut mistää tekijänoikeuksista):

C, eilen: "Hello, how are you today. Sorry for that unfortunate incidence,
that ended our discussions yesterday. Hope to see you soon, all the
best to you in all your challenges. Regards, C."

Minä, tänään: "Sorry? I'm sure your wife-to-be, possible sisters and your mother will
forgive you if you do Lots and freewillingly hand them to rapists,
provided that they are alive to tell you so. They must be really proud
of you and feel lucky to have you! But thanks for proving me right,
though. The fact that you're willing to call Lot's behaviour *a
mistake* and imply that raping make-believe angels is worse than raping
*real* women and children is pretty much all I need to know in order to
know whether I want anything to do with you. And that means no. Let me
be from now on. You can go present this idea of your to the bloody
prayer groups. I'm sure the women there are more cooperative than me
who is not blinded by the god delusion. Have a nice life."

C, tänään: "Hi, how are you today. First, I, must say that the aspects of our conversations on Monday, that highly infuriated you, is highly regretted, and besides, I was trying to make a point and not to say that it was a mistake [ed. note: then why say it?] Also, yesterday, I waited for well over 30 to 40 minutes, at the entrance of your Italian class [oh, stalking now, are we?], hoping to see you, however, few minutes after the class was supposed to have ended, you were not in the premises, thereafter, I went back to my studies. Please [please my arse], I was very shocked by the reply to my last email from you and it sounds so very hate filled and bitter. For goodness sakes [right back at you, moron], I never thought in my wildest imagination, that our discussion, which I thought was quite educative and thought provoking, could be taken to almost extreme level by you, whom I have a lot of respect for. I am very amazed at your very unfinnish [surprising as it may seem, not every stereotype is true; just what you were telling me yesterday about how my attitude towards men is a stereotype and therefore not true] reply to a very heart felt [heartfelt? Fuck that shit.] apology. All the same, your deep convictions, which you are holding so dear to your heart, and are willing to go any length to pursue it to logical conclusions, is not lost on me and I will always respect your views and opinions [whatever]. All the best to you always. Regards, C."