Apparently a good (long and loud) cry helps. Even though I had no really good reason (one that I would have been conscious of, at least) to howl like that in the middle of the night, it helped; I've felt so cheerful the whole day. Hey, I wasn't even bothered by the tax papers I got via mail today. Speaking of mail... "Tipping the Velvet" arrived. I will now be a bad and not-so-responsible student and spend my evening reading it. Screw that exam I have scheduled for Friday, I'll go to the retake if I have to.
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I had that job interview today. Terribly long way I had to walk, I would estimate it to be approximately five kilometres per side. My feet are not happy, they hurt. I think I'll continue with the worm game once I'm finished writing this. Yours truly actually got herself back on top of the list (I was temporarily beaten; but remember that a lion is dangerous even in defeat): over seven thousand points; the second has over five thousand! *malicious laughter*
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I'm sure you're all very much aware of the events at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. I was supposed to write an entry on the subject here today, but as I was writing it at the Spot the teacher G walked by and I got an idea to write my NALC course's essay on the shootings; he approved the subject so I'm going to revise my writings to go for at least remotely academic approach on the matter. I had a nice idea of the introduction in the process. Not very academic, though, and may go straight to hell as I'm finished writing it; can I really relate myself enough on Cho's state of mind to write a cogent, really short story ("minuuttinovelli") on the events that took place on that campus that morning? Maybe not. But whatever the result, I *will* get the song "Child in Time" squeezed in that text, in one form or another. It would make a tolerable introduction, too. Well, we'll see.
Speaking of writing, I came across a nice definition of the essential parts of the Finnish language from the point of view of foreigners: "no future, no sex". I find it hilarious, but I also feel like I shouldn't be having fun right after acknowledging Virginia Tech's massacre.
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The Meme of the Day:
"Shut up and dance" from The idea is to pick an artist or a band and answer the given questions by using the titles of songs by the selected musician(s).
1. Your sex?
“Half a woman, half a shadow”.
2. What is your biggest dream?
“Never-ending love”.
3. What do you hate?
4. How are you feeling right now?
5. How is your life holding up in general?
“Crash! Boom! Bang!”
6. What things do you like?
“Chances”, “Physical fascination”, “Sleeping in my car” and “Voices”.
7. What would you want to tell your crush or significant other?
“Do you wanna go the whole way?” And “Listen to your heart”.
8. Where would you want to be?
“Silver Blue”.
9. Describe life?
“So far away”.
10. Describe yourself?
11. What would you want right now?
Should be easy to say who's the artist.