A paraphrasing of a section from "On Writing - A Memoir of the Craft" by Stephen King:
Everyone has a muse. But there's one important thing you should understand: your muse is not to be summoned, threatened or otherwise persuaded to appear when you feel like writing. The only way is to write in one place always at the same time, preferably every day. When the muse feels like hanging around giving you extraordinary ideas concerning your text, it knows when and where to find you.
My muse (I imagine him to be this androgyne albeit long-haired, tiny and lanky, mischievous elf with green hair and pale complexion) knows I spend all my afternoons and evenings at the Spot (the teacher G and Wanderer both laughed at it today). Anyway, finally (drums, please) he showed up. My Twain analysis just got one hell of a kick in the ass. Hopefully my teacher will agree with me. With that introduction she might be afraid of me, though.