I have an exercise for next week that is about Shaw's play called Pygmalion. I did some research yesterday so that I could confuse other students and my teacher by answering that particular question by using Pitman shorthand, which Shaw himself used when he wrote the preface to Pygmalion. So last night went by with me trying to learn to write again. I believe it is faster to write with Pitman but learning to use it as “second nature-ish” as I use the so-called normal Roman alphabet... that's going to take a while. I would like to give an idea what it’s supposed to look like by putting here an image of the X-Files tagline “the truth is out there” but I incapable of manipulating this computer so that it would give the picture the type of file required by Lepakkolaakso. So I suggest you to… to…. I will not use that word!... look it up from a search engine. Anyway, the Pitman shorthand, or the latest version of it, was used also in the movie “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. In the movie’s soundtrack there’s a song “Reasons to be Miserable” performed by the man with a brain size of Kent, Stephen Fry. So, as the Meme of the Day, I will make my own, albeit short, list of reasons to be miserable as a triumph to Marvin.
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The Meme of the Day:
A list of reasons to be miserable:
1) I can’t go to BodyCompat tonight
2) I’m still in Her power
3) my Macbeth analysis went straight to hell
4) Räsänen & co. still have prestige among some people who just can’t think for themselves
5) I’m horny and not getting laid (bloody libido!)
6) the weather outside is frightful
7) there are other people in the IT class; it’s Wednesday, shouldn’t you be getting ready to spend you’re entire student allowance in one night, get wasted, wake up in a strange bed tomorrow morning with a terrible headache next to a Muppet and realise you’re very late from a very important lecture?
8) I still haven't got a job for the forthcoming summer!
But I would also like to express my gratitude to Wanderer who cheered me up this morning. Blessings to you, too.

1 kommentti
8.3.2007 15:18
Haastan samaan peliin, johon Keäpoika haastoi minut. Lisätietoja löydät uusimmasta bloggauksestani.