Today's main lesson: don't look forward to anything because if it goes straight to hell it'll annoy you less.
I need a hug.
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The Meme of the Day:
How do I feel the way I do?
For 70 % you are angry:
From what you have described, it appears that you may be dealing with a great deal of anger in your life. Anger is caused by losing power, respect, and status; being insulted, not having things turn out as you wanted; being in pain; being threatened; having something important interrupted, and not getting what you need or want. Additionally, anger may come about if you are expecting pain, if you believe you've been mistreated, if you are judging a situation, or ruminating. To alleviate anger, it is important to gently avoid the provocative situation, and to try to counteract anger with kindness. It is useful to try and put yourself in another person's position to try and understand and be empathetic to their point of view.
For 30 % you are:
You also may be dealing with a great deal of sadness in your life. If you have been rejected, disliked, have discovered that you are powerless, have been with someone who has been hurting, if things have turned out badly, if you're not getting what you need, or if you've lost a loved one or a relationship, you may feel sad. Plus, if you believe that you are bad, a failure, stupid, not "good enough," a "loser," and that you are unlovable, you may feel sad. To combat sadness, it is important to engage in things that bring you pleasure, to be active, to not withdraw, and to do things that help you feel confident.