I'm probably alone with this when I say that James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is so much easier to read (in linguistic level as well as to understand and follow) than Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre". And I find it more intriguing.
One of my teacher mentioned during one of the lectures that he subscribes a British magazine called 'Private Eye'. Even though the magazine is actuallly a satirical one making fun of celebrities and the British royalty and so on, I still can't help but stick with my first association with the name 'Private Eye' and think of a certain line by Detective Mills in Se7en:
"I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading "Guns and Ammo", masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah. Do you guys do that?"
Good that he doesn't know of the existence of this blog or he might find his sense of humour being tested.
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The feeling of missing someone is a little bothering. At the same time I'm sad but also glad knowing that I, first and foremost, have someone to miss and secondly that I'm capable of this feeling. I couldn't even cry two years ago. I have changed quite much since.
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The Meme of the Day:
I don't know the song's official name let alone the performer, but a song with a chorus "I'm walking on sunshine" repeated thrice end finished wit the phrase something like "And don't I feel good" has been going on in my head since the second I woke up. The irony is that since the second I woke up it has constantly been raining... well, water in one form or another. Ah, well.... details, they're irrelevant and trivial in this matter.
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The picture is, by the way, by W. Eugene Smith. I think it's a visual presentation of how I feel at the moment.

2 kommenttia
9.3.2007 12:55
Trivial details: the song is Walking on sunshine by Katrina & The Waves, catchy 80's pop.
9.3.2007 18:10