The daily rhythm keeps being messed up. I did get up before eleven this morning but going back to bed seems to be quite a challenge.
I'm listening to 'Smoke on the water' at the moment. I can't believe I haven't gotten a Deep Purple record before, this is great! My current favourites are especially 'Child in time', 'Fireball', 'When a blind man cries' and, of course, 'Perfect strangers'. Now that I'm writing that short story competition piece I've come to take 'Child in time' as my theme song; it's comforting when I have to go through some of the memories I actually hope I didn't have. They may have built my character, but still... I think it has actually been quite disgraceful from me to call myself metallist and still remaining so ignorant towards a classic like Deep Purple. Shame on me!
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Well, I'll cheer up once I get myself to bed. After all, when I wake up I know I'll see Wanderer later. I've become too attached to her, I know. I actually turned down a summer job because it would have meant to be working every afternoon and evening from Monday to Friday, and that in turn would have meant no more chats with Wanderer. Next year she'll be on the other side of the world. So, from the bottom of my heart, I rather want to worry about my monetary situation in the forthcoming summer than loose the last moments with Wanderer that I have left.
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I did watch the first Star Trek movie, by the way. I don't think I'll turn into a Trekkie but remain as an X-phile. More earthly action suits me better, although I have to say I liked the plot. V'Ger... Voyager. The idea of a machine turning into a living being after gathering enough knowledge of the surrounding world (which, ironically enough, was the machine's original purpose), and then starting to look for a reason for its existence. Very human...
But, extra points to Doctor Bones. His irony really works for me.
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The Meme of the Day:
I was just arranging my bookcase and started thinking about books.
The book I think everyone should read:
~~~Paulo Coelho: Veronika decides to die
The book that serves the purpose of showing how not to write:
~~~David & Leigh Eddings: Regina’s song
The book that should be written:
~~~Encyclopedia of masturbation =)
The book with the nicest covers:
~~~The Nightwish book
The book I last bought:
~~~Sarah Waters: Tipping the velvet
The book(s) I last borrowed from the library:
~~~The biographies of both George Orwell and Mark Twain
The book(s) I’m currently reading:
~~~Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre & Paulo Coelho: The Devil and miss Prym
The book I’ll be reading in near future:
~~~Nathanael West: The day of the locust