Good night, people! I was supposed to start writing close to three hours ago but I accidentally ended up on the Klingon Language Institute's web page where I've been studying the correct Klingon phonology and common phrases. Hell, I even made up my own Klingon name. It's actually a derivative of my Earthling name, but ah well. If someone got a spark to make up their own Klingon name, I suggest you to google the KLI; for some reason, using the URL bounces you to some Swedish site, at least it did that to me a while ago.
Originally I was just looking for translations for "I love you" in different languages and came across with Klingon. I had heard of it before but -I am ashamed to admit- I have never seen a single Star Trek movie. I think I'm going to fix that situation tomorrow when I storm to Filmtown to rent the first movie. Can't wait! It's, by the way, the Councellor Azetbur in the picture below, the only female leader of the Klingon empire.
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So. Friday the 13th. I've heard several theories of the origins of the combination but as far as I can remember I've never had a particularly bad day. Actually, it tends to be the other way around: my life seems to flourish of 13ths colliding with Friday. I've had an excellent week this week, culminating today on social interaction, finding more than enough source material for next week's exam and the essay on "The man that corrupted Hadleyburg", not to mention coming up with a nice topic for an essay for another course. The latter essay isn't obligatory, though. But if I do write it I "will do better in the exam", as the teacher G put it. Works for me; almost anything to relieve the stress caused by the three-hour exams we have to sweat through. {Qapla'} to me.
Did you know the official name for the fear of Friday the !3th is paraskavedekatriaphobia? Not as weird as hexakoslohexekontahexaphobia, the fear of the number 666. My personal favourite is hippopotomonstrosesquippedahliaphobia; it refers to the fear of long words. Oh, the irony… rotfastic!
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The Meme of the Day:
I found a nice, Finnish quiz site. It has numerous quizzes covering several areas. Here are some of my results; it's, by the way, due a test in the language section why I wanted to look up the "I love you" translations. In case you were wondering my motives.
Enkelit – 52 %
I was surprised I did this well.
Jatka laulun sanoja – 43%
All the Finnish classics, both past and present.
Harry Potter – 83%
Actually, I was right in the other of the two questions that got marked as "wrong". The question was ambiguous; after all, time is constantly changing and what once was "the latet" isn't latest now.
Muumit – 74%
I managed to mix two central characters. I think I slap my hand over my eyes in frustration more than once.
USA:n osavaltiot – 20%
If you know all the states and their capitals you'll do much better than me. At least you're more unlikely to name the capital of Pennsylvania to be Transylvania (couldn't resist...).
Mitä kieltä – 79%
There were a few quite surprising things I learned as I listed "I love you" translations. I found that particular test very interesting.
Salaiset kansiot - 100%
What a surprise... the questions were so easy... maybe some day I'll make my own and far more difficult X-quiz.