I'm feeling a little sad, for reason unknown to my conscious self. You know, the exam I passed without reading to it... well, I got a two out of it. I have to admit, even though I passed it and the credit is all mine, it still bugs me to know it lowers my English average. Before it was 4.5, now it's 4.1. Well, at least I remain above the limit of four. Now I have pressure to keep it above it, though, since this setback makes it more difficult. Maybe I should just go to the retake some time. Maybe next year since I'll, hopefully, be spending it elsewhere anyway. Although... someone said you can be registered to one school at a time. But what about those who do go to two universities, of course they have to be registered to them both at the same time in order to get their credits officially registered. I have to remember to check this tomorrow from someone in the administration.
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Started thinking about an entry one of you wrote a short while ago, saying that their blog does not equal to their diary. I was just glancing back my own blog and came to the conclusion that I very much treat my blog as if it were a private diary, not public to everyone. On the other hand, I suppose it's different when you lot don't know me personally... well, by name at least, and you wouldn't look at me twice if we were to see each other on the street.
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The Meme of the Day:
I've been a quiz maniac again. As a result I have some of them here to share with other possible quiz freaks.
Say I'm Spider-Man (90%). "You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility."
The rest...
Catwoman - 75%
Hulk - 70%
Green Lantern - 65%
Robin - 60%
Batman - 55%
Supergirl - 50%
Wonderwoman - 50%
The Flash - 50%
Iron Man - 40%
Superman - 20%
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The picture, called 'A Child in Time', was made by Allexa and can be found at www.deviantart.com.