The Hedgehog's Dilemma.
This concept was oroginally invented by Arthur Schopenhauer and is based on the false idea concerning the spikes hedgehogs have. The dilemma is that the closer two beings come to each other, the more likely they are to hurt one another; however if they remain apart, they will each feel the pain of loneliness.
I want to care someone, even if it means to get hurt (Belgium... that sounded like something from an American drama soap opera for straight teenagers).
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Can you resist that cute hedgehog?

3 kommenttia
21.3.2007 20:02
The idea about the spikes might be wrong, but the idea is valid. I love Schopenhauer. And Nietzsche and Camus.
...for some reason today I'm extremely excited about philosophy...
I personally don't think one can care for a person (and by this I mean really care deeply, not necessarily "romantic love-wise" but definately at least in a platonic way) without sometimes getting hurt himself. You just have to make an utilitarian assessment of whether or not the pleasure given by caring for that person outmatches the pain. Sometimes one has to judge irrational things rationally. :P
Enough philosophising for today...
And no, I can not... :P
21.3.2007 21:40
You definitely seem to know more about philosophy than I do so I can neither confirm nor deny anything you said.
But as for the love part... I do think any kind of love walks hand in hand with pain. therefore also platonic love can cause misery. But I suppose all this is just contemplating things that don't (at least according to our current knowledge) have one right answer. I do know, however, that my love for Wanderer outmatches the pain it may (and quite possibly will) cause me.
Sometimes one has to judge irrational things rationally, true. And sometimes insanity is the only sane answer to this insane world. =)
21.3.2007 23:32
Very well said. :P