The job interview didn't go as well as I hoped. I went there ten minutes too early and probably interrupted something my interviewr was doing when she was called up to her office ten minutes earlier than was scheduled; I think one of the other emplyees noticed me when I was waiting the clock to strike ten and notified her I was already there. The whole interview was qute unlike those I've been before. She just went on about the schedules and shifts and the pay check and so on instead of asking me about my earlier experience, and why I applied there, and what makes me so good to be worthy of their employment... all the usual questions I had prepared to answer. I think I should have emphasised that what I cannot do I'll do my best to learn, that I can't promise any more than that, yet none less than that either. Well, if she chose me to be one of the new employees for next summer, she'll give me a call next Tuesday. Now I have a really good reason to wake up to watch Spongebob Squarepants.
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Some dachshund kept staring at me as I was walking by today. Can you imagine having that kind of freedom to stare without a single blink that only animals and human children have. And the rest of us only when the object isn't looking back. What animal (other than human, that is) would you be if you were to reincarnate as an animal? I have to say I am intrigued by the following:
Penguins: They're just so cute, and then I wouldn't have to tolerate hot summers. Whohoo!
Bat: Since I'm a bat already... and besides, I could live in the night. This would mean I'd had to share the same air space with moths, though.
Jellyfish: preferably the Turritopsis nutricula, which is actually immortal since it goes back to the polyp (birth) stage as soon as it reaches its sexual maturity; imagine: just floating in the sea whole day and sting anyone who comes too close. But then again, a Jellyfish Salad is considered a delicacy in Japan and China. That's just cruel; how can anyone want to eat something as beautiful as Aurelia aurita, the Moon Jelly below?