"Candy girl
You're my world
You look so sweet
You're a special treat
Candy girl
All I want to say
When you're with me
You brighten up my day..."
You are currently reading the blog of as soon-to-be-nurse! I got accepted to the Polytechnic! Now begins the timetable struggles to complete the few courses in the university I have left before getting my Bachelor's Thesis papers out (I wrote the bloody thing a year ago). I think my current primary interest is undoubtedly the Polytechnic. Yay! I ROCK!!!
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The Meme of the Day:
At the present time I am in the middle of an X-Files marathon (three days and s i x t e e n episodes...). I have an inner battle in which I'm trying to decide which character I'm most like. I used this quiz (http://www.quizilla.com/users/ElvenAgain/quizzes/Which%20X%20Files%20character%20are%20you?/) to give me a little guidelines to determine the matter. It says I'm most like Mulder; "You are Fox Mulder. You're very intelligent, but also quite gullible. You're an annoyance to your superiors, a joke to your peers, they call you 'Spooky'. But not to worry, you'll show them all in the end!". I was actually expecting the picture of Nicholas Lea pop up on the screen.
Let's get another opinion, shall we? http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=xfiles says I *am* most like Alex "The Ratboy" Krycek. Nice. Well, at least not the Cancer Man.

1 kommentti
15.7.2007 04:28
Yay you!