Well, not really. It just happens to be raining and in about two hours I'll be waiting for Sonata Arctica to begin their show in Rockperry. At least I get to go home and get changed into something less wet within twenty minutes when I decide to do so. But since I'm there I could go see some other bands, too. Amorphis, Poisonblack and The 69 Eyes maybe. Amorphis for sure, they begin after seven. We'll see.
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As I told in the previous entry I got accepted to study the nursing degree at the Polytechnic. On Wednesday I got the actual paper version with all the papers I need to fill in and hand in during the first day on 27th of August (nice, nine luxurious days for a summer holiday...). Anyway, among these questionnaires there was a more accurate division of all my points that helped me to get in. It appears that I got almost the maximum from my marticulation exam grades, almost maximum from the literary and mathematical tests we did during the entrance exam, but very little from the psychological test. Now I left a message for the psychologist to get more detailed information of my results.
Nice... what if I got accepted only because my overall points forced them to accept me, not because I would really "make a wonderful nurse"? I need to know the reasons behind the poor score of the psych test before I take the offered place officially; if they don't think I'm fit for a nurse or that I have some really bad obstacles otherwise that prevent me from becoming a good, professional and reliable nurse? There might be someone lining up a place that got a higher score from the psych test.
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The Meme of the Day:
Since it it Friday the 13th (enjoy, the next won't be until in June 2008), I wanted to enlighten you with different phobias and their complex names. Here (http://www.phobialist.com) is a somewhat elaborate list of different phobias. Below a few examples I found interesting for one reason or another, the object of the fear in parentheses.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (the number 666)
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (long words; *evil grin*)
Nucleomituphobia (nuclear weapons)
Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday the 13th)
Venustraphobia (beautiful women; what?!)