A wonderful day again! I love the weather outside! So calm and fresh and cold and the blue sky... excellent!
And my day has so far been great. I had a very interesting and highly useful discussion about literature this morning, during which I was taken, albeit reluctantly, a photograph of by another teacher. I have no idea where she could possibly feel the need to have a picture of me.
And in case I've given an impression that I'm starting to get over Her... I was wrong. She spoke to me today and She was standing closer to me than ever before. I actually could focus my attention on what she as saying to me but afterwards it came: I laughed rather nervously (mixed with relief, I suppose). Yet I felt free and happy even though something I thought was no longer there, actually was there. I'm still flushed, you know.
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I also took the Gentleman test I encountered in Rain's blog (http://www.blogthings.com/areyouagentlemanquiz/). Turns out I'm 72% gentleman. "You are definitely a gentleman. You're very considerate and you have excellent manners.
Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish... but usually no one notices!" Well, I do open doors for other people, especially women. I suppose that's just my way of being friendly and polite.