Remember when I yesterday mentioned I was being photographed by a techer? Well, she told me later that day that she's going to put it on her website. Now I've spent the last thirty minutes trying to find that page in question. I know what's her maiden name, where she went to high school and when, the names of her children, the names of her pets (unusual as far as I'm concerned), her favorite indoors and outdoors activities, with whom she shares her birthday but so far I haven't found what I was actually looking for (I am expected to take hostages soon). I would just want to know how the picture eventually turned out. Well, I'll just have to wait until Monday when I can ask her.
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Yesterday I also ended up taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. Turned out I'm -surprisingly enough- an INTJ personality. So as far as MBTI is concerned, I should be living in Coketown. My luck I don't; everytime I read Hard Times it just makes me feel sorry not only fot Louisa and Thomas Jr for having to bear the consequences of the narrowmindedness of the surrounding society, but also I feel sorry for Gradgrind Sr who just cannot see that whereas Fact is one thing needful, Fancy is another thing needful.