I was just reading Aboa's blog, and I can't resist posting a response to the Even Bells text.
Six o'clock on Saturday evenings on springs and summers... I have to say I almost detected a hint of Jones' syndrome in the air. Why should only children and single trying to run away from their loneliness be outside walking at six p.m.? Is there some kind of an unwritten agreement I'm not aware of concerning this time of the day? I suppose I'm just so happy with my single state I don't really care of the weekly events that rhythm the lives of those around me, the normal people, like my roommate who came home last night at 3.30 a.m. Ah, well. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.
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I just finished reading The Devil Wears Prada yesterday, and also saw the movie based on the book last night. While reading the novel it became quite clear that I'm not exactly the book's target audience. This feeling was reinforced when I watched the movie. Both made me have these moments of frustration or just pure terror. If Andrea says something happens when Mirandra wears some Massimo (or something) trousers, is it a good or a bad thing? And as for the horror... if I didn't know there actually were people who "breath fashion" and live only to be judged by others based on what brand their clothes are... It would be funny, ir it were fiction.
We all have had a boss from hell. The person Miranda Priestly reminded me of my boss I had two years ago. Their presence had exactly the same impact on the work environment. The second I stepped through the door to my work place I could see whether she was there or not. Usually the presence or absence of relaxed behaviour gave it all away. She also looked like a macabre version of Miranda. There were three things that told you she was approaching; the noise coming from the shoes with high heels she wore; the thick cloud of parfume surrounding always surrounding her that made me feel like suffocating; and the glittering of the huge rings on her fingers and jewelry she wore (she was also kind of partial to sequended shirts, actually). I'll die happy if I never have to see that psychic vampire again.
I was glad they had almost completely omitted Andrea's parents in the movie. It was way too sentimental to me even in the book. I really don't have an opinion on Anne Hathaway, but I could relate to her character a little at least for the first twenty minutes. I don't really care about fashion. I was so proud of myself whenever I recognised some designer's name; "Hey, I've heard of Louis Vuitton before! I know they mean shoes by Manolos!! But who the hell is Oscar de la Renta?" Meryl Streep was of course great. She's an excellent actor, especially in The Hours. And Miranda... By all means do the decisions years before for me when it comes to different colours and so on, but I think I'm going to stick with the band shirts.
I think I'm going to give the book to my sister. She's closer to the target audience, since she subscribes Cosmopolitan and everything.
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The Meme of the Day:
Minesweeper. I've been playing it far too much. I'm still trying to brake J.K. Rowling's record of getting through the hardest level in 98 seconds, though. My fastest time is so far 109 seconds. I need practise. In the mean time, say hello to Jack!