I've been reading Svar's blog the existence of which I just discovered. Some of the entries sounded exactly like excerpts from my life. I started thinking... if I were to have a schizophrenic co-personality whose existence I didn't know, how much alike we would be? Would she be that much like I was two years ago? Would she be prone to write a blog? Here? Would she even be 'she'?
Maybe I could try prevent that from happening and consciously create a schizophrenic co-personality that would roam somewhat freely here. That I, Splenetic, could be the person taking other people into consideration, whereas Me, Myself and I (Siamese triplet; three heads sharing the same body) could then be the narcissistic, overzealous, self-righteous egomaniac(s). So whenever I go over the line of the "normal" narcissism (after all, blogs and dairies are the temples of egocentric behaviour) blame the triplet.
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I subscribed the Z magazine yesterday. Now that I am completely and thoroughly in terms with what I am, I no longer wish to avoid the subject. I mean, Wanderer even said it’s ”cool”. I might told you that before. Yeah, I’ve told you that before. Well, grin and bear it. Which reminds me… one of my teachers returned our exercises today. He had underlined and decorates the phrase ”fact forbid” with a couple of question marks. I really expected him to know it’s from Charles Dickens’ Hard Times. After all, he graduated from Oxford, which to me is THE university on this planet. He’s supposed to know everything since he got excepted to one of the top universities in the world, damn it.
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I am now officially desperate to get a job for the forthcoming summer. The last nail in the coffin to determine this was what I did last night; I looked up my possibilities to be a translator for the Harlequin novels. Well, at least it’s translation. Rather that than going back to having the questionable honour to enjoy the encouraging and absolutely intriguing field of telemarketing.
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The Meme of the Day:
I can't resist hailing Rhapsody of Fire here, even though I'm not quite sure if this classifies as a meme. Anyway, I re-discovered Rhapsody again today, and I am now listening to Symphony of Enchanted lands II: The Dark Secret album. I've noticed that if I listen to the first track loud enough, I can actually feel Christopher Lee's voice. Did you, by the way, know that Lee fought in the Winter War alongside the Finnish soldiers? Since it is highly unlikely I'll ever meet Lee myself, I am going to do this here: thank you, Mr. Lee.

2 kommenttia
12.3.2007 22:26
I was so happy to see your comments on my blog, thank you for those :). Some of the things in your blog are also like straight from my life/my mind :)
12.3.2007 23:55
That sorts it. We're not special. We're normal!