The psychologist called this evening. I think the whole conversation can be reduced into a simple table with my essential remarks.
Linguistic part: 3/5
Logical part: 3/5
Reading comprehension: 3.5/5
Teachers' review: 11/15
The psychologist's review: 9/50
The last one... I mean, really! Okay, so I did expect to score higher in the first three (I am, after all, a university student and I do those things every bloody week!; however, this may be pride in the negative sense of the word) but the last one was really a clear under-achievement.
The reviews... how can they be so different: I'm among the best in the other, and yet among the worst in the other. I would have expected the score to be reverse, actually. Heh... maybe I give a different impression if I don't talk to people directly =). But I guess it's more important what the teachers said, since they're the one to grin and bear me in their classroom for the next four years.
As for the psychologist's opinion... she said she hoped for more motivation from me, and that she wasn't sure if having routines and taking orders from others would be fulfilling enough for me. Furthermore, she questioned my ability to separate my emotional self from that of others (that may actually have a seed of truth in it; but now I know to consciously acknowledge its presence and hopefully do something about it if necessary).
In general, she thought of me as a "contemplating philosopher" (I'm really very proud of this one!) who seems to be prone to get sidetracked, which in turn displays intelligence and ability to have profound conversations. She even pointed out that these two combined would give me a good foundation if I decide to specialise in psychiatry (I thought of it as one possible option when she asked me about my specialisation plans).
But according to her, I have no considerable personality disorders or anything of sorts that would make me unfit for a nurse (this includes the Rorschach ink plot test). She did, however, think that my family background may take larger part in my life than is recommended. I doubt that: I merely answered honestly to her questions about my family. Ah, well, too bad, I'm still going to study there.
But in short, I'm not a half-blood psychopath after all (damn! and I was *so* looking forward to that!) but a to-be-nurse.

1 kommentti
12.8.2007 03:47
Darn, not a half blood psychopath! Phooey!