I'm talking about my co-worker. She seems to think of herself superior to.. pretty much every one else present. Especially us who are working there throughout the summer get to be the recepients of her bossy attitude. And if I were prone to paranoia, I would say she particularly fond of picking on me.
Last Friday I arrived at work at 6.30, went to the packing work point where I had been the whole previous week, and of the two tables there I chose the one whose height can be altered. This little sunshine of a co-worker then arrived after seven and the first thing she said to me was a command to gather my things and go to the other table. I explained to her that I spent by that table the entire previous day and that my back hurt as a result since it's so low and I'm so tall. Her reply in a tone that the matter is thus closed: "So am I" and then she left. I swallowed my counter arguments and obeyed. Unfortunately, I hadn't changed the table fast enough because once she came back she told me to change the table again, accompanied by my name in a HIGHLY irritating, condescending tone, the one used by my mother when she's deliberately annoying me.
This attitude reached it climax (at the present time, at least) today. I come to work, and ask a perfectly reasonable question whether a certain paper has been taken out of the computer so that I could go and pack the things piled up next to the very low table. And what happens? She tells me to follow her, but instead of heading to the computer, she leads me to the pole point (ignore its meaning) and promptly tells me to go and fix the remaining pieces of the poles already put together with the machine. And she takes off again. At noon I ask my other co-worker, who's been putting the poles together, if she would like to continue putting them together and I would go fixing them together with the machine since I had already spent there the whole morning. Apparently the Little Miss Sunshine had explicitly told her to stay by the table whole day, that *I* would do the fixing. She said that she, too, finds the Sunshine a little odd. Good to know I'm not paranoid.
If she's being rude to me on purpose, I must have done something to piss her off. I just don't know what and talking to her won't probably do any good, she'll just be meaner.
I'm so going to work at 6.30 tomorrow and take out so many orders she can't force me to go to exile unless she wants to be burdened by those orders herself (which I find unlikely knowing her working morale; seriously, if I took that many unofficial breaks to hang around and chat with certain others, I would get fired in a week!).

3 kommenttia
2.8.2007 11:02
I guess people like that exist everywhere, amount of idiosyncracies is the same but the type varies...
And usually the bosses know about him/her too, but cannot or will not do anything about it "since the person has been in the house for so long and hasn't really done anything to justify action..."
2.8.2007 21:47
I suppose they do exist in every work community. She's just annoying me sometimes (like yesterday) too much. And the thing is that she's so cosy with all the others who have tenure so that it's the temporary employees who get all the crap. And since we're all to be replaced eventually, why bother causing bad blood amongst those who stay there for years. We're not worth it.
But good news: I got to stay welding whole day today, so I didn't have to see even the tiniest glimpse of her today!
12.8.2007 03:49
Sounds like a real bitch, to be honest. My temper is not so steady, I would have welded her fucking mouth shut... but then, I am feeling very hot under the collar lately.