Important things first: I have a new idol. Virginie Despentes. I don't agree with every single thing she says in 'King Kong Théorie' but I think she has a very good point in most of her arguments. Plus I enjoy the informal language she uses; feminism to the un-academic world.
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I am now also officially impaired.
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And my sheets are under siege due to a fucking huge moth that was there yesterday and might still be there. If I have to wait until the snow and a temperature below zero to be sure it's gone, then so be it. The sheets and the shirt will remain on the balcony until then (which will probably be some time next year). Or I have to beg my sister to come over and check the sheets and te shirt before bringing them indoors.
A moth... and some of you yahoos think butteflies and their evil kin are actually beautiful. I'm willing to agree the *possibility* of their beauty if they are dead, dried and pinned to a cushion which is inside a glasscube. Perhaps I should join the Butterfly Association Finland to record my numerous observations (read: moments of the innate and profound instinct of fight-or-flight) on those flying beasts of doom as they seem to be like cats and find the one person within miles to have lepidopteraphobia. Have you noticed how there are only a few butterflies around when it's cloudy? Here's my theory: when the weather is cloudy, it's too cold for them so they return back to Hell since it must be warmer down there in their home.
And a solution to the butterfly effect (= a butterfly flaps its wings, whcih creates a tornado on the other side of the planet): let's kill all the butterflies! YAY!
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Look me in the eyes and tell me that thing below is in any way cute.