I went to get a massage yesterday. We -as in me and the masseuse- concluded I have a very high tolerance for pain since my entire upper torso was very much jammed. Well, I may not have said anything to indicate pain but my hands were in fists most of the time and I had involuntary tears in my eyes half the time. Gods, it hurt! The masseuse warned me that it might hurt a lot in the evening or this mornng: I woke up this morning to realise I have quite a few places not bearing much touch.Therefore, ouch.
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I also found a new and very nice place to read yesterday while waiting for the final meeting with the therapist (who, by the way, did not see the end coming; she said *the* question that made me see red was just a naïve question, not a provocation, that she was just playing with the idea...). I cannot believe I have not been there before, it was so much more peaceful than the one by the Lutheran church since that's right in the centrum. The place will swarm with butterflies, though, when it's not as windy as yesterday. Those days I have to stick with the other two places.
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The list update:
Finished 'The Very Worst Thing' yesterday, and 'God Dies by the Nile' a few days ago. Currently reading Mark Twain and J.D. Salinger (I am not convinced of the book's classic status yet).