Having trouble sleeping. I keep waking up in the middle of the night, watch the clock to know the time, fall back asleep to wake up at the most inhuman time in the morning (today at 5:30, been awake since). Maybe the light does this.
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Got a four of an assignment that is worth 4 credits, as in 90 hours of work. I used approximately nine hours to do it. I'm *almost* ashamed of myself. Ah, well... no can do if I think like a teacher. ;)
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Reading currently:
'Letters from Earth'/'Matkakirjeitä Maasta' by Mark Twain & 'Tar Baby' by Toni Morrison. I also found the 1908 edition of 'Työmiehen vaimo' by Minna Canth. That will be as close to authentic as I can get with that play.