• Splenetic

On foreign ground, prelude.

Fuck. These people live in some kind of parallel universe in which the concept 'human' is completely alien. More effective, more productive, moremoremoremoremore. Nuwanda's poem works fine for this:

"Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling,
Gotta do more, gotta be more!
Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming,
Gotta be more, gotta do more!"

It appears they've used a lot of time, energy and resources to make their processes as effective and productive as possible, but they've forgotten one big variant out of the equation: human. Humans make mistakes, humans are not perfect, humans are selfish and do not always count the most effective and productive way of doing something. Emotions affect. I can already imagine these people having sex, assessing their modus operandi to the context and the different variants, evaluating which approach is best for a certain goal from a certain point of view. Just exactly how sad is that...?

The third last slide incited connotations that I found hilarious. I could imagine the far corner of the bank's head quarters, several stories beneath the surfice, in the ground. All new employees dressed up in army-gray clothing, heads shaved, lying on a tilted chair in constraints with their eyelids kept open by some kind of device. Another employee puts eyedrops to the eyes preventing them from drying while their brains are fed images and slogans embedded in a stream of emotionally provocative pictures as subliminal messages:

"Asiakas on etusijalla!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Jokainen ongelma on mahdollisuus!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Hukka on suurin vihollinen!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Joku muu ei ole ratkaisu!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Voimme vaikuttaa asioihin!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Hukka on suurin vihollinen!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Esimies on aina roolimalli!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Tavoitteita, ei keinoja!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Hukka on suurin vihollinen!"
[The Bank's logo]
"Arbeit macht frei!"

2 kommenttia


5.11.2009 09:18

...so, how did the elections go? I was looking for some info on various elections and found the results for various lists (of which on VYY side you will probably have swearwords coming) but no info on who were the people elected.


5.11.2009 12:48

See above. There, by the way, is no listing of the elected people on the webpage. The only reason I know the results from my list is because I was part of the list; there are serious problems with the Student Union's information delivery...

True, I have serious problems with the amount of Kampusporvarit getting through and with 10 Warranttis... those two are basically the same fucking thing. Plus Giga... Kokoomus is everywhere, it just uses different names... Luckily one particular humanist who is very actively involved with Kokoomus is this time openly on the Kampusporvarit list; if she gets through at least she's not in the closet anymore. :/