• Splenetic

Nice start, huh?

The second first lecture of this academic year and I'm not there. Not because I'd preferred sleeping but because I sprained my ankle. Lovely. Not exactly the way I'd like to start a new year but no can do.

Note to self: read books while walking ONLY on main roads.


Additional observation to the previous entry: I quit last Monday. Felt a whole lot better right after saying that. :)

5 kommenttia


14.9.2010 15:14

Good that you did quit.


15.9.2010 21:33

Thanks for the support. It made me feel important to be able to say I needed to go to work and belong to that part of people... but feeling better and being able to read instead of being a zombie and sleeping all the time, well, much more important to me. :)


15.9.2010 22:54

excellent choice dude


16.9.2010 03:36

You quit youre job, or what? Anyway, good luck or you.


17.9.2010 06:32

I quit my job, yup. And it most certainly was an excellent choice. So thanks to both RxCat and Torontosta for the thumbs-up. :)