So, Rokkihomo decided to challenge me to name six things in me and my life that I like. Have you, by the way, noticed that these challenges are always self-centred. Well, I suppose it figures. And the narcissistic, overzealous, self-righteous egomaniacs such as myself are thrilled. Pardon the repetition, I have a feeling I've used that phrase before.
The rules for this game: the blogger who has been challenged is to name six things in themselves and in their lives that they like. Preferably, those things should be something more peculiar than work or the significant other, for instance. Once you've done this, challenge six more people, notify them of this challenge and pass on the rules (and the place where to find them). Don't forget to write the rules down in your own blog as well.
But the six things. You know, exactly five years ago making this list would really have been a challenge with a capital C. Okay, I got side-tracked again, my apologies. And again, no special order.
1) I like my seemingly infinite thirst for knowledge, be it factual or emotional. I've already explained what constitutes the meaning of my life, and this is an essential part of it. As a result, I have a really vast collection of books, from many different areas. This craving for knowledge has also been many times misinterpreted as sucking up to teachers; actually I really am interested in knowing those things. The subject in question would probably also include my intelligence. There have been, and there will be, times when I wish I were more intelligent, but at the present time I'm satisfied with the way my brain currently functions. And as for my father, who told me t w i c e not to bother to apply to high school because I'm too stupid to get in... "what a sad, old man you are" (Ricky Fitts, American Beauty). I would also like to add to the list the word 'pathetic'.
2) I'm very fond of my current home town. Someone once said (might have been in the movie 'Blow', come to think of it) that when you no longer feel you would want to be anywhere else but where you are at that moment you are happy. For the first time in my life I'm happy.
3) I am grateful that I have someone in my life I feel I can talk to pretty much about anything. Thank you, Wanderer, for being so patient with me and incredibly good. And even though paraphrasing Virginia Woolf wasn't the intention, let me quote her anyway; thank you for giving me "certainty of your goodness". Thank you allowing me to see you as my emotional mother. Your children have one of the best mothers I can think of.
4) I like my way of writing. Last Thursday (the Reckoning, I would say) someone just said that the language I use is very poetic, albeit complex, as is my vocabulary. I am actually quite proud of these.
5) I like the fact that I have enough guts to be me, and not to be altered into something else even though the surroundings don't always make the path I've chosen easy. After all, a branch doesn't break but bends. Likewise, I adjust to my surroundings but I'm not willing to change. Peaceful co-existence is once again the keyword. This category also includes one of the things most important to me: my independence. I'm not forced to do things I don't want to do, and I'm not tied to things against my will, though I may be slightly resentful for some minor details...
6) I like my X-philia, and all other object of my interest, manga and heavy metal and literature, to name a few. I can consider myself lucky for having these passions in my life. You wouldn't believe how much energy I get from Scully and Mulder alone.
And the ones to get challenged:
Coco and Mika. Not six, I know, but hey, it's two more than earlier.
Does anyone recall Mark Twain saying that there are three kind of lies: lies, huge lies and statistics?
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The Meme of the Day (since it is one in the morning already):
Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in?
My result which, quite frankly, was not that surprising (but exiting nonetheless):
”You scored as FBI’s X-Files Division. You are part of a super secret section of the FBI. You also have the very cool status of ‘Special Agent’. You believe in many conspiracies and know the government is covering up way too much. Now if only you could make the Cigarette Smoking Man to stop providing you with the second-hand smoke.”
My top 5 sci-fi crews:
FBI’s X-Files Division (The X-Files) – 94%
Bepop (Cowboy Bepop) – 81%
Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) – 75%
Serenity (Firefly) – 75%
Enterprise D (Star Trek) – 63%